What is a Sale A sale is an activity that generates profit or revenue for every business which consequently covers all the costs and expenses. Sale is very important for every organization. However, there are many ways to achieve the sale, easy and difficult both, they vary from business to business. What is a Sales Analysis? As the name implies …
What is Holistic Marketing? Marketing is a highly diverse field that can cater to any business persona or industry. When a brand tries to market itself by using all of its different aspects into one singular campaign and spread it across different mediums, it is known as holistic marketing. It is a rather non-traditional marketing approach and it is considered …
What is Brand Promotion? Brand promotion is the marketing communication strategy to inform, persuade, convince, and influence the decision making process of buyers when they choose a particular brand. It is done with the purpose of promoting brand awareness to create consumer’s interest. So they could make sale and convert them into loyal customer. Brand promotion is required because of …
What is Business Decision Making Process? Whether it’s a sole proprietorship, partnership, SME or large corporation; the success of every business depends on the quality of decision its management is making. However, when we talk about decision, it’s a step by step process which allows business people to take calculated risks by weighing different alternative and contrasting among various opportunities. …
What is Pricing Strategy? Pricing strategy is an activity or a process which any small businesses do to set the prices for their products or services. There are many things to be considered while setting up the prices and these are as follows; Input or raw cost of the product Variable cost Production & distribution cost Trade margin Segment account …
What is Network Marketing? Network marketing (also known as multi-level marketing) is often wrongfully associated with the pyramid structured schemes but its functionality is a little different from pyramid structure organizations. It is a direct selling method where the company’s products and services are sold by the group of independent salespeople, these people create and manage a link or chain …
Tourism has seen a boom in recent times. This has a lot to do with the rising economic capabilities of the middle class. Human behavior has also changed towards being more extravagant through traveling. But there are many factors that affect the tourism industry globally and there are threats to it as well. Tourism is one of the primary aspects …
The very fact that this piece begins with two iterations of the same question signifies that this is not an easy one to answer. Traditional definitions of entrepreneurship define the term as the act of starting and scaling up a business from scratch. While this is essentially true, the modern connotations attached to this word have taken on a whole …
What is Integrated Marketing Communication? Integrated Marketing Communication or IMC is a marketing strategy that aligns and interconnects the various platforms and communication channels to create a singular branding message. Through the use of an IMC approach towards marketing, a brand can achieve a variety of competitive advantages. The IMC approach is targeted towards achieving maximum brand awareness through marketing …
Sainsbury’s is a London based supermarket chain that has been active since 1869. For a long period, it was the largest supermarket chain in the country and currently it is one of the largest with over 1500 stores across the UK. Over the years, the brand has survived in the face of stiff competition through various market techniques. In this …