Simply we can divide consumer products in convenience, speciality, unsought and shopping products. Consumer buying behavior is an important determinant to classify a particular product in the market. Marketers classify a product based on the behavioral differences of the consumers. Keep in mind that this classification is not based on product but on consumer behavior.
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What are Shopping Products
Shopping products refer to items that the consumers purchase less frequently and compare with available alternatives in the market. Consumers need time, planning and efforts to take the final decision whether to buy the product or not. Consumers don’t buy these products very often but whenever buy they keep in mind different consideration like cost, time and efforts to take the final decision.
For example, look at the Air Conditioner, when a person wants to buy an Air Conditioner he will first analyze different available brands in the market. There must be a different brand and product features in his mind like heat and cool features, low voltage and tropical compressor, styling, price, warranty and many more. He will make efforts and compare different products based on cost and features. He will select a brand which is a good value for the money he is paying.
Shopping Products Definition
Philip Kotler defines shopping products as “A consumer product that the customer, in the process of selection and purchase, characteristically compares with others on such bases as suitability, quality, price and style”.
Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing
If compared to other types of consumer products, shopping products are relatively more expensive than convenience products and available in fewer stores.
Types of Shopping Products
Mainly there are two types of shopping products Homogenous products and heterogenous products. In this marketing tutorial, we will understand both types of products with examples.
Homogeneous Products
Homogeneous shopping products are those shopping products which are similar in quality. These types of products are very much alike and fall under the same product category. There are some attributes like brand image, price, style, quality and suitability which can differentiate two or more homogenous products. These attributes affect the consumer buying behavior. Those products offering some unique selling proposition can develop a more competitive advantage.
Some examples of homogeneous shopping products include automobile tires and electric appliances. Electrical appliances like washing machines and refrigerators, ceiling and pedestal fans and microwaves are good examples. Look at each product which has some basic qualities. The product marketing mix strategy can play an important role in differentiating these consumer products from its competitors.
Heterogeneous products
When it comes to heterogenous shopping products, product features play an important role to affect the consumer buying behavior. Products features are imporant than product price. To understand heterogeneous products, take the example of furniture, clothing and other major appliance.
To give you better understand of heterogenous shopping goods, take a shirt, jeans and coat. These items must be required in a certain size, style, quality and color. Most of the time the suppliers have a wide variety to satisfy different features and tastes of consumers.
These type of shopping products are not alike and non-standardize. Suppose, furniture doesn’t have any specific standard. For example, the two different families can buy the same refrigerator but cannot choose the same furniture. Because both families will need furniture according to available space, design color and material wooden, bamboo, metal, blackwood or Bombay furniture.